We received this email after two of our team members individually answered this customer:
You two are too funny! Separate emails – same answer! I got the best possible advice and you both gave the same answer! This makes me feel even better about the “silly” question I asked & my first order of your beautiful wines!
I want to thank you both so much for the time and dedication to your brand. I cannot wait to re-order when this supply gets low. You are all amazing and I appreciate the great customer service.
Thanks again,

Tuesday next week marks two years since my mom’s death and we have a special family get together planned and having my favorite frog wines there will make it perfect!
Thank you, be well and safe travels!

Thank you so much for sending us a bottle of Gewürztraminer with our last order – We can’t wait to try it! You all are so very thoughtful and appreciated.
Best Regards!

I still have a couple of King Frosch’s Pinot Noir and a Cabernet Sauvignon, but recently we ran out of Riesling, so I decided to look for you on the Internet to get more. I remember when I first tried your wine and at a wine tasting last November. Being from Switzerland (Ticino), I am familiar with good German wines and I did find yours excellent. I am looking forward to getting more of your wines!
Salute! (Prost)

We received our first order! We are so happy with our purchase and the fact that you have Glühwein (a holiday favorite) makes me thrilled. Customers for life,

The wine has arrived and I look forward to tasting it again. I just wanted to take the time to let you know that the delivery service you used was particularly helpful, and cheerful.
Thank you,
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